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Texas Instruments推出250mA低IQ RF低压差线性稳压器TPS727xx

关键词:Texas Instruments RF低压差线性稳压器 TPS727xx

时间:2013-03-11 16:30:37      来源:中电网

TPS727xx系列,低压差(LDO)线性稳压器具有超低静态电流LDO,和出色的线路和超快速的负载瞬态性能,专门用于功耗敏感的应用。通过采用创新的EEPROM编程,来预设LDO的输出电压电平。其高精度带隙与误差放大器对负载,线路和极端温度的精度为2%。TPS727xx系列为1.5毫米×1.5毫米SON和晶圆级芯片规模封装(WCSP),是便携式产品的理想选择。该系列器件温度范围是TJ = -40°C至+125°C。

The TPS727xx family of low-dropout (LDO) linear regulators are ultralow quiescent current LDOs with excellent line and ultra-fast load transient performance and are designed for power-sensitive applications. The LDO output voltage level is preset by the use of innovative factory EEPROM programming. A precision bandgap and error amplifier provides overall 2% accuracy over load, line, and temperature extremes. The TPS727xx family is available in 1,5mm × 1,5mm SON and wafer chip-scale (WCSP) packages that make it ideal for handheld applications. This family of devices is fully specified over a temperature range of TJ = –40°C to +125°C.

Selected Features

*Very Low Dropout:

65mV Typical at 100mA 130mV Typical at 200mA 163mV Typical at 250mA 2% Accuracy Over Load/Line/Temperature Ultralow IQ: 7.9µA Excellent Load Transient Performance:±50mV for 200mA Loading/Unloading Transient Available in Fixed-Output Voltages From 0.9V to 5V Using Innovative Factory EEPROM Programming


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  • 主 题:英飞凌汽车方案引领智能座舱新纪元
  • 时 间:2025.03.12
  • 公 司英飞凌&品佳集团