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关键词:Microchip 嵌入式代码源

时间:2013-04-01 09:42:23      来源:中电网

Microchip扩展了它的嵌入式代码源,和嵌入式用户(使用PIC MCU软件/固件代码示例,工具,通常包括源代码)。如今,其用户成员可以使用一个先进的,简便的,单一免费代码和高级代码(premium code),从而加快他们的设计,使他们可以生产更加复杂和差异化的高端产品

Microchip Technology Inc. announced the expansion of its Embedded Code Source application store and embedded user community for PIC® MCU software/firmware code examples, tools and utilities, which often include the source code.

Community members now have a single, easy-to-use source for both free code and premium code with advanced features, which accelerates their designs while enabling more sophisticated and differentiated end products. Both Microchip and third parties have already begun selling feature-rich MCU code and MPLAB® X IDE plug-ins for Microchip’s more than 1,000 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit PIC microcontrollers. All developers are invited to add their free and for-pay code to this user community, which has thousands of active participants.

Embedded industry studies confirm the growing importance of software development, with software engineers comprising two thirds of the development teams in most surveys. Additionally, software is rapidly becoming the most costly portion of product development, in terms of both time and money. Microchip’s Embedded Code Source addresses this trend by providing a one-stop-shop for cost-effective and free pre-written code that can be used immediately to shorten design times.

Embedded Code Source is the first site of its kind to provide developers with a broad distribution outlet for their premium code. It also expands the benefits to Microchip’s more than 70,000 customers, from merely sharing simple code examples into a dynamic marketplace where they can find advanced solutions for their applications.

“Through this second phase of our Embedded Code Source site, we are enabling third-party developers to sell their software, while providing a greater opportunity for the PIC MCU user community to tap into the code they need,” said Mitch Little, Microchip’s vice president of Worldwide Sales and Applications. “Users can avoid writing code from the ground up, and leverage these developers to accelerate their time to market.”

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