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  • 首页 > 新品 > Littelfuse推出了晶闸管电源控制设备Kxxx1GL系列Multipulse SIDAC

Littelfuse推出了晶闸管电源控制设备Kxxx1GL系列Multipulse SIDAC

关键词:Littelfuse 晶闸管电源 Kxxx1GL系列 Multipulse SIDAC

时间:2013-05-24 09:42:19      来源:中电网

Littelfuse公司推出了晶闸管电源控制设备---Kxxx1GL系列Multipulse SIDAC,可用于220-240V交流线路安装。该晶闸管加上一个电容和变压器时,会产生多个高压脉冲,用于开启金属卤化物灯。

Littelfuse, Inc. has introduced the Kxxx1GL Series Multipulse™ SIDAC, a thyristor power control device designed for use in 220-240V AC line installations. The thyristor, when coupled with a capacitor and transformer, generates the multiple high voltage pulses required to ignite metal-halide lamps. These new devices offer designers of metal-halide lamp ignition circuits the advantages of lower switching loss for higher pulse voltages, improved tolerance for input voltage variations, and longer pulse durations than the company’s earlier Kxxx1G Series devices.

The Kxxx1GL Series exhibits lower switching loss than comparable competitive devices, so it can produce higher pulse voltages for pulse-start type ignition circuits. Although the Kxxx1GL Series Multipulse SIDAC is available in three versions for high design flexibility, other suppliers offer only two versions. The turn-on characteristics of the Kxxx1GL Series have been modified and the switching loss lowered to match the latest igniter circuit designs, so these new devices can generate at least 20 percent higher pulse voltages than the earlier Kxxx1G Series.

Typical applications of the Kxxx1GL Series include use in metal-halide lamp igniter circuits in medium to large scale metal-halide lamp installations, such as in gyms, street lighting, and sports stadium illumination.

“Our newest series of Multipulse SIDAC thyristor power control devices offer designers of metal-halide lamp control circuits the best possible ignition performance,” said Koichiro Yoshimoto, thyristor business development manager. “They also provide greater tolerance of the AC input voltage variations common in developing countries.”

The Kxxx1GL Series Multipulse SIDAC offers these key features and benefits:


Lower switching loss than earlier Kxxx1G Series Multipulse SIDAC Tighter breakover/trigger voltage (VBO) control than Kxxx1G Series Lower dynamic holding current (IH) than Kxxx1G Series Generates a minimum of three pulses per AC half-cycle


Can generate at least 20 percent higher pulse voltages Improved operating tolerance for the AC input voltage variations that are common in developing countries Longer high voltage pulse duration Best suited for metal-halide lamp ignition applications

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