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关键词:Littelfuse 159系列 金属保险丝夹头

时间:2013-06-26 14:57:19      来源:中电网


The 159 Series product is a metal fuse clip with preinstalled Littelfuse 461 Series TeleLink® fuse. This fuse and clip combination can be automatically installed in PC Boards in one efficient manufacturing operation. It permits quick and easy fuse replacement without exposing the PC Board and other components to risks of rework solder heat as required with direct surface mount fuses.

It meets UL 60950 power cross requirements and is designed to allow compliance with Telcordia GR-1089-CORE and TIA-968-A Surge Specifications. The product provides coordinated protection with Littelfuse SIDACtor® protection thyristors without series resistors.

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  • 主 题:ADI电能计量方案:新一代直流表、三相电表和S级电能表
  • 时 间:2025.01.14
  • 公 司:ADI&DigiKey