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  • 首页 > 新品 > TI推出新一代低成本的,通用微功率运算放大器OPA313系列


关键词:TI 微功率运算放大器 OPA313系列

时间:2013-04-02 11:11:19      来源:中电网

单通道,双通道,和四通道运算放大器OPA313系列是新一代低成本的,通用微功率运算放大器的代表。它具有轨到轨输入和极低的噪声(25 NV /√Hz,1 kHz时),使这一系列对各种电池供电的应用(成本和性能之间的平衡)非常具有吸引力。其低输入偏置电流支持兆欧电源阻抗运算放大。

The OPA313 family of single-, dual-, and quad-channel op amps represents a new generation of low-cost, general purpose, micro-power operational amplifiers. Featuring rail-to-rail input and very low noise (25 nV/√Hz at 1 kHz) makes this family very attractive for a variety of battery-powered applications that require a good balance between cost and performance. The low input bias current supports those op amps to be used in applications with megaohm source impedances.

The robust design of the OPA313 devices provides ease-of-use to the circuit designer: unity-gain stability with capacitive loads of up to 150 pF, integrated RF/EMI rejection filter, no phase reversal in overdrive conditions, and high electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection (4-kV HBM).

These devices are optimized for operation at voltages as low as +1.8 V (±0.9 V) and up to +5.5 V (±2.75 V), and are specified over the extended temperature range of –40°C to +125°C.

The OPA313 (single) is available in both SC70-5 and SOT23-5 packages. The OPA2313 (dual) is offered in SO-8, MSOP-8, and DFN-8 packages. The quad-channel OPA4313 is offered in a TSSOP-14 package.

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  • 公 司:ADI&DigiKey