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关键词:Power LinkSwitch-LP LinkZero-LP

时间:2013-06-08 17:25:26      来源:中电网

LinkZero-LP,是PI的LinkSwitch-LP的升级版,它采用了新的技术,可以使设备从无负载模式自动到进入模式或唤醒模式,同时,功率消耗小于5毫瓦 - 远低于IEC定义的零无负载功率消耗。

LinkZero-LP, an upgrade to PI’s popular LinkSwitch-LP, incorporates new technology which enables the device to automatically enter into and wake up from no-load mode while dissipating less than 5 mW – substantially less than the IEC definition of zero no-load power consumption. The tightly specified FEEDBACK pin voltage reference enables universal input primary side regulated power supplies with accurate constant voltage from 5% to full load. Start-up and operating power are derived directly from the DRAIN pin which eliminates start-up circuitry. The internal oscillator frequency is jittered to significantly reduce both quasi-peak and average EMI, minimizing filter cost.

Product Highlights

Lowest System Cost with Zero No-Load

Automatically enters zero input power mode when load is disconnected Simple upgrade to existing LinkSwitch-LP designs Very tight IC parameter tolerances improve system manufacturing yield Suitable for low-cost clampless designs Frequency jittering greatly reduces EMI filter cost Extended package creepage improves system field reliability

Advanced Protection/Safety Features

Accurate hysteretic thermal shutdown protection – automatic recovery reduces field returns Universal input range allows worldwide operation Auto-restart reduces delivered power by >85% during short-circuit and open loop fault conditions Simple ON/OFF control, no loop compensation needed High bandwidth provides excellent transient load response with no overshoot

EcoSmart™ – Energy Efficient

No-load consumption as low as 4 mW at 230 VAC input* Easily meets all global energy efficiency regulations with no added components ON/OFF control provides constant efficiency to very light loads

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  • 主 题:英飞凌汽车方案引领智能座舱新纪元
  • 时 间:2025.03.12
  • 公 司英飞凌&品佳集团