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关键词:Melexis 物理层器件 MLX80020BA

时间:2013-06-08 17:27:56      来源:中电网


The MLX80020BA is a physical layer device for a single wire data link capable of operating in applications using baud rates of 19.2kBd. The MLX80020BA is compatible to LIN2.x specifications used by European OEMs.

Because of the very low power consumption of the MLX80020 in the sleep mode it’s suitable for ECU applications with hard standby current requirements. The implemented high resistive termination in sleep mode as well as the driving capability of the INH pin allows a comfortable handling of LIN short circuits to GND. In order to reduce the power consumption in case of failure modes, the integrated sleep timer takes care for switching the ECU into the most power saving sleep mode after power on or wake up events that are not followed by a mode change response of the microcontroller.

The MLX80020 has an improved EMI performance and ESD robustness.

Features and Benefits

Compatible to LIN Physical Layer Specification LIN 2.x Baud rate up to 19.2 kBaud Wide operating voltage range VS = 5 to 27 V Very low standby current consumption of 10µA in sleep mode Bus and local wake up capable with source recognition Control output for voltage regulator with low on – resistance for switchable master termination Low EME and high EMI level Fully compatible to 3.3V and 5V devices Integrated termination resistor for LIN slave nodes TxD dominant time out function Sleep timer to guarantee the most power saving mode after power on or wake up in case of faulty passive microcontroller High impedance Bus pin in case of loss of ground and undervoltage condition Bus short to ground protection Enhanced ESD robustness according to IEC 61000-4-2 RoHs compliant and AECQ-100 qualified Compatible to the “Common Requirements for LIN Devices” of Audi,BMW,Daimler and VW  

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  • 主 题:英飞凌汽车方案引领智能座舱新纪元
  • 时 间:2025.03.12
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